News 2018-11-02T12:13:22+00:00


The ABC wine guide gives high ratings to LaFou wines

5 December, 2019|

The prestigious wine guide ABC 2020-awards 92 points to LaFou Els Amelers 2018, (which is the same score it was given in the guide Guia Vivir El Vino - 365 Vinos al Año 2020), and it highlights its great character and taste. In the same guide,  LaFou El Sender 2017 [...]

LaFou, present at Experiencia Verema Barcelona

28 November, 2019|

On November 25, Experiencia Verema Barcelona (Barcelona Harvest Experience) was held for the seventh year running. The Maritime Museum in Barcelona hosted this wine event that gathered over 100 of the best wineries on a national and international scale. This event is a must for wine lovers, users of [...]

LaFou de Batea 2016 and LaFou Els Amelers 2018 are among the best 2020 wines in Catalonia according to the wine guide “Guia de Vins de Catalunya 2020”

8 November, 2019|

On November 4, the wine guide Guia de Vins de Catalunya 2020 was launched on the market. The well-established and traditional launching event took place in the Àgora Room in the Hotel Trade Center in Barcelona. Over 100 wineries from all Denominations of Origin (DOs) in Catalonia were present at [...]

LaFou Els Amelers; best White Grenache from the DO Terra Alta

4 November, 2019|

LaFou Els Amelers is acclaimed as the best White Grenache from the DO Terra Alta in a Wine Competition for DO Terra Alta 2019. The winery picked up this award on Friday, 1 November, during the Gandesa Wine Festival. The highlight of this festival was the DO Terra Alta Wine [...]

LaFou Celler presents El Sender 2017, Grenache in its purest state

23 October, 2019|

LAFOU El Sender 2017 is launched; it is the seventh vintage of this wine and it is a true and pure reflection of the landscape of Terra Alta and the great richness of the Grenache variety par excellence. This wine shows an intense red colour. The aroma that dominates at [...]

LaFou in Hotels with DO

25 September, 2019|

Once again, the guild of hotels - Gremi d'Hotels de Barcelona, INCAVI and the Catalan association of DOs (denominations of origin) organized an event called “Hotels with DO”. This event received the support of Barcelona’s School of Hotel Management, Riedel and the Catalan Tourism Board. This event took place from [...]

Gourmet Food and Wine Tasting in honour of the Harvest at LaFou Celler

17 September, 2019|

LaFou Celler organises seasonal Gourmet Food and Wine tasting sessions and the last one was held in September during the heat of the harvest season. Guests were invited to tour the vineyards and to taste and savour LaFou Els Amelers and new unfiltered wines. Out in the vineyards, those who [...]

Gourmet Spring Tasting event at the LaFou Winery

10 June, 2019|

On June 8, the LaFou Winery hosted a Spring Tasting event; “Degustació de Primavera”.  Wine and vines were the stars of the show and it was here that the new LaFou Els Amelers vintage could be tasted in a pairing with seasonal dishes prepared by Miravall de Batea Restaurant. It [...]

Natural wines … or not; the latest post in the winemaker’s blog

30 May, 2019|

“Are the wines I've had to date artificial ones? “... “Why is there an interest in classifying a wine as "natural" if it isn’t?”  ... "What about healthy wines?". Ramon Roqueta is Lafou’s owner and oenologist.  In his third blog post, he invites us to contemplate natural wines. Link to [...]

Natural wines…or not

28 May, 2019|

Just a few weeks ago I was invited to a debate on "natural" wines, a topic that is very fashionable at the moment, but also a controversial one. So, today we will talk about them. So, are the wines I've had to date artificial ones? No, not at all. In [...]

LaFou Celler attends Comuvicat 2019

12 March, 2019|

LaFou Celler attended the first edition of the Catalan Conference on Wine Communication (Comuvicat 2019).   Ramon Roqueta, LaFou’s owner and oenologist, took part in a round table on "What we don’t talk about in the wine sector". During this talk, Ramon Roqueta put forward the need for a common and [...]

The LaFou Winery gets ready for its Winter Gastronomic Pairing event

22 February, 2019|

On Saturday, March 2nd, the LaFou Winery will host its third seasonal pairing event “Cicle de Maridatges Gastronòmics de Temporada al Celler”. The winery launched this event in May last year to pair seasonal cuisine with its wines. In May, it began with a pairing of seasonal produce from spring. [...]

“Spirit of Garnacha”; a new post in the oenologist’s blog

14 February, 2019|

"It is not entirely correct to speak of native grape varieties " ... ", if you are asked where White Garnacha comes from, Terra Alta is your answer " says Ramon Roqueta, oenologist and owner of the LaFou Winery. These are just some thoughts on the Garnacha variety which feature [...]

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