News 2018-11-02T12:13:22+00:00


The Spirit of Garnacha

14 February, 2019|

With the blog underway, I can no longer delay talking about one of my favourite subjects: the Garnacha variety which, curiously enough, I "discovered" and fell in love with by studying in France, which is why I started the LaFou project in the Terra Alta region. Is Garnacha native to [...]

The LaFou Winery hosts students from the Master’s Degree in the OIV

31 January, 2019|

For the fourth consecutive year, the LaFou Winery hosted students taking the “International Diploma in Management of the Vine and Wine “(OIV MSc in Wine Management). This international diploma is aimed exclusively at future executives and management positions within the wine sector. During their trip to Catalonia at the end [...]

LaFou Els Amelers Màgnum: greatness in a bottle

4 January, 2019|

“Mi Vino” magazine (issue 241, December 2018) features LaFou Els Amelers Màgnum in its last tasting of the year which was dedicated exclusively to the format of magnum bottles. The magazine emphasizes the persistence of the wild nature of the White Grenache variety. Link to article

LaFou launches a new website

2 January, 2019|

The LaFou Winery has launched its new website: where users can now book wine tours online. In keeping with the philosophy on which the winery and its wines are founded, one of the website’s most important new features is the oenologist’s blog, where topics of interest and reflections on [...]

LaFou Els Amelers 2017 an ideal wine for Christmas

10 December, 2018|

The Expansion Newspaper included LaFou Els Amelers 2017 in its selection of 12 great wines for Christmas. DO Terra Alta is renowned for producing the best White Grenache thanks to the personality of this variety which is an ideal pairing for dishes enjoyed at this time of year. Read article

LaFou Celler takes part in a “Harvest Experience” in Barcelona

23 November, 2018|

On November 19, at the Sala Marqués de Comillas in the Maritime Museum of Barcelona, the LaFou Winery took part in a fair called “Experiencia Verema” (Harvest Experience). This event is a must for wine and food lovers, as well as for professionals from the sector; sommeliers, distributors and importers, [...]

LaFou wines participate in the 31st edition of Gandesa´s Wine Festival

6 November, 2018|

The 31st edition of the Wine Festival in Gandesa was held on November 2nd, 3rd and 4th. The highlight of the festival was the “Mostra de Vi” -the Wine Show – which took place on an avenue called Rambla de la Democràcia, where 32 wineries from the Denomination of Origin [...]

LaFou wines receive over 91 points in the wine guide- Guía Peñín 2019 – and attend a fair to showcase Spain’s top wines – “XIX Salón de los Mejores Vinos“

29 October, 2018|

On October 29th and 30th, Spain’s best wines were showcased at the IFEMA pavilion 14 in Madrid; 322 wineries and almost 1,500 wines from 67 wine-producing regions were presented. LaFou presented three of its wines which received the following ratings in the prestigious wine guide Guía Peñín 2019: LaFou El [...]

LaFou Els Amelers was selected by the sommelier Ferran Centelles for a tasting session called “Un passeig per la Catalunya vinícola” – a tour of Catalan wine

22 October, 2018|

"Un passeig per la Catalunya vinícola" –a tour of Catalan wine- inspired the tasting session led by sommelier Ferran Centelles on October 19th  in a room at  "Mercat de Mercats 2018" in  Barcelona, on Avenida de la Catedral from October 19th to 21st. LaFou Els Amelers was among the wines [...]

Philosophy or Oenology? My first post

17 October, 2018|

I'm launching a blog and I'd like to start by talking about why the philosophy that lies behind a project such as a winery is so important. However, when discussing wine, shouldn’t we talk about oenology rather than philosophy? Oenology provides tools, technology, knowledge and the means to make the [...]

Harvest at the LaFou winery

28 September, 2018|

During the month of September, when autumn weather was already upon us, harvesting began at the LaFou Winery, starting with the White Grenache’s freshest, most acidic and cheekiest variety which it uses to make its wine LaFou Els Amelers. It was followed by the harvest of a more mature White [...]

LaFou wines return to Barcelona for “Hotels with D.O.”

27 September, 2018|

From the 17th to the 23rd of September, a new edition of “Hotels with D.O.” was held in Barcelona. This week-long event is organised by INCAVI (Catalan Wine and Winegrowers Institute) and the guild of hotels in Barcelona (Gremi d'Hotels de Barcelona).  This event was launched seven years ago in [...]

Winds of change blow in the Terra Alta region

22 May, 2018|

The online wine magazine published an article by Ramon Francàs in which he analysed the current situation of winemaking in DO Terra Alta. In the article, Ramon Roqueta, (oenologist and owner of LaFou Winery) states that he sees the DO Terra Alta as one that is "dynamic and growing", [...]

LaFou winery launches a season of food and wine pairing events

21 May, 2018|

On May 12, the LaFou Winery held a food and wine pairing event to celebrate the season of spring. This event was led by Ramon Roqueta who is an oenologist and the winery’s owner. This gastronomic experience hopes to be the first in a cycle of seasonal events to celebrate [...]

LaFou takes part in two of the most influential international fairs in the sector

23 April, 2018|

From 18th to 20th March, LaFou participated in the Prowein fair in Düsseldorf (Germany), the world's largest International Wine and Spirits Fair, which hosts over 6,600 exhibitors, representing 295 wine-growing regions and 60 countries.  One month later, from April 16 to 19, Barcelona hosted Alimentaria 2018, a reputable fair for [...]

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